Over the summer, we've been having lots of fun. On various outings, things take an expected turn and almost always result in amazing adventure.
Before we even left the house for adventure one day, our neighbor brought over a tiny kitten she found sleeping under her front stairs. She asked us to watch it while she ran some errands. She had to go but promosed to return later to help find the rightful owner. Of course, with a tiny haggard kitten to play with, we were all over it - it was quite fun. The doggies were suspicious but eventually we just went through our day and the kitten napped in the dining room.
Our neighbor returned and with the help of a group of people, the original owners were found and all was good. The owners didn't seem particularly distraught and were busy with their dog and a newborn for most of our encounter. It seemed like the kitten was just not getting attention.

A few weeks passed and "Roman" (as a play on words for "roamin'") faded from memory.
Then, one night while walking through the park across the street, we walked past a tree and an an animal scurried up the tree about ten feet to the first nook. Upon closer inspection it was Roman again, this time quite dirty and with some dried blood on his chin. He was slowly heading to feral, it seemed.
Well, we took Roman home, cleaned him up and set him up to sleep in the basement with Bobby, since it's full bedroom and away from the doggies. He snuggled right in and probably slept a lot better than outside in the grass. I'm unsure where Roman will end up longer term, but we'll hold onto him for a few days and see if he sticks around when the door is open.